Homework Helper: Resources for All Students

Homework Help Brings Scholarship Success
Academic success stems from hard work and good study habits. Teachers and parents are prime resources for ambitious students, but even the most disciplined academics require outside help along the way - new and better ways of uncovering answers and learning to think analytically.
Student needs are not going to be the same at all scholastic levels, so homework assistance zeros-in on the needs of specific age-groups. Laying the groundwork for college begins at an early age and consistent academic performance - even at the elementary school level - leads to higher education opportunities. Whether mastering multiplication tables or researching historical topics, students of all ages will seek guidance from properly vetted online resources.
Using our Resources
We have reviewed and compiled a list of online homework helpers, separating them below into appropriate age and subject matter groupings. If you would like to skip down to the resources most applicable to you, simply use one of the following links:
- Primary School homework help
- Middle School homework help
- High School (and post-secondary) homework help
Know of a great resource we can add to our list? Please email us your suggestion for review.
Getting Started - Primary School Homework Help
General/Multiple Subject resources
The official U.S. Government portal for children, Kids.gov answers children's' pressing questions about wide-ranging subjects. The site is divided into areas that address specific concerns for children, teens and adults. Curricular areas like science, social studies, mathematics and history are explored and expounded in age appropriate ways, providing homework assistance for the kids who sign-in. Civic and social topics are also put under the spot-light, helping kids with health and safety. Engaging tools allow elementary students to dig deeper, including a state-based learning tool, and a fun zone that keeps learning interesting.
BBC Schools maintains resources for students, including games and study guides that address most subjects. Users designate age parameters, in order to access age-appropriate materials. Topics are divided into age ranges: 4-11, 11-16 and 16+. Games like pinball help younger users, while worksheets and tutorials serve high-schoolers and beyond.
Factmonster.com Homework Center tackles subjects like geography, history, math and science. Students browse almanacs, atlases and dictionaries for homework input.
Time 4 Learning uses online games and learning activities to drive home basic concepts, before using the foundations to teach reading and math skills.
Discovery Education promotes learning with free educational resources for students of all ages.
Infoplease Homework Center maintains educational resources for students, including math flashcards and periodic tables.
Refdesk.com's Homework Helper tackles all elementary subjects, listing resources for primary and secondary school students.
B J Pinchbeck's Homework Helper provides free, online resources for elementary, middle and high school students. References are categorized in topical areas that include: Art, music, English, foreign language, science, social studies, and other core curricular content.
Chatterbees Homework Help Center is designed in a user-friendly format that allows students to click on particular homework topics for assistance.
Funbrain.com distills core scholastic principles, paring them down with easy-to-play games that impart knowledge. Spell check and math arcade are on-site to provide homework support in these areas.
Homework Spot maintains listings for homework help, ranging from simple web tools to deeper academic resources.
Kids Click enables student searches by category or spelling - and resources include images, sounds and video.
Internet Public Library allows children and teens to click on myriad resources, opening learning portals that help in primary school areas like math and science.
Brain Pop Jr. focuses on K-3 homework aids. Students clicking on subject-specific links open window to social studies, science and math help.
Kahn Academy is a video-based resource with thousands of tutorials for browsing.
Ted-ed provides a video archive that allows students to browse by subject, to uncover short video lessons about selected topics
English/Reading/Writing resources
Children's Literature Web Guide points interested students toward age appropriate literature. Comments, reviews and author access help students find information.
Common Errors in English Usage exposes incorrect word usage, punctuation and pronunciation considerations for common English words and phrases.
National Spelling Bee promotes the essential building-block for written communication. Visitors need not be pursuing entry in the national contest to benefit from the helpful spelling resource.
Math resources
Math.com helps students complete math homework in areas like: Pre-Algebra, Algebra and Geometry.
Gamequarium lets kids learn math by playing individual, topical games that impart knowledge in areas like algebra, addition and money math.
APlus Homework Helper provides calculator tools for simple arithmetic.
Figure This provides learning aids like a math index and a study section with resources for students and educators.
History resources
America's Library, maintained by the Library of Congress, illuminates important American historical figures and links their contributions to the success of the country. Exploring individual states is also facilitated, by an on-site tool that opens to whichever state database is selected.
Learn your states at 50states.com, where vital statistics and fun facts are broken down in ways that facilitate retention.
Science resources
Kids Health facilitates homework success with advice and strategies for primary school students.
ProQuest K-12 provides access to information for students who utilize the organization's 5 billion page archive. Sources include: Newspapers, periodicals, dissertations, scholarly publications, books, and image libraries.
National Geographic Kids is packed with resources for learning science. Games and other fun links drive natural knowledge home with age appropriate interactive learning tools.
Teachers TryScience is an interactive resource that lets kids conduct learning experiments in math, earth sciences, and other technology-oriented areas.
Science News for Kids is a compendium of science homework help, which explores topics like Earth sciences, health and technology
Chem4kids illuminates basic chemistry, from atoms to elements, reactions to properties of matter.
You might want to return to Discovery Education, and view their page sciece-specific links.
Additional resources
Multnomah County Library, in Oregon, puts-forth a useful Homework Center, which lets student-users tap databases for articles related to their homework assignments.
Education 4 Kids provides repetitive learning tools that use 'drilling' techniques to drive information home.
123 Teach Me conveys Spanish language learning through games, flashcards and other engaging activities designed for the younger foreign language student set.
Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh offers this helpful homework resource for kids.
Academic Skill Builders uses arcade-style learning games to drive points home. Math, language and other subjects are handled lightly, but with an eye toward serious knowledge retention.
Homework Help for Middle and Junior High School Students
General/Multiple Subject resources
Who You Gonna Call? - Resources with Phone Access to Helpers
Specifically for middle and grade school students, the Dial-a-Teacher resource put-forward by the United Federation of Teachers is a life-saver at homework time, for students with particular questions to address.
Homework Hotline is a free homework aid, sponsored by corporate benefactors committed to educational success. Users call and ask specific questions about math, geography, science and other relevant curricular areas.
Urgent Homework provides access to homework experts on short notice.
BBC Schools maintains resources for students, including games and study guides that address most subjects. Users designate age parameters, in order to access age-appropriate materials. Topics are divided into age ranges: 4-11, 11-16 and 16+. Games like pinball help younger users, while worksheets and tutorials serve high-schoolers and beyond.
Discovery Education promotes learning with free educational resources for students of all ages.
Refdesk.com's Homework Helper tackles all subjects, listing specific resources for secondary school students.
B J Pinchbeck's Homework Helper provides free, online resources for elementary, middle and high school students. References are categorized in topical areas that include: Art, music, English, foreign language, science, social studies, and other core curricular content.
Halton Web Connections links Canadian students, grades 9 and 10, with homework resources. Subjects are broken-down into sub-categories like chemistry, biology, civics, geography and history.
Home Instruction Schools compiles search engine links, and other homework help sites, so users needn't go far to secure all their homework answers.
Kid Info breaks middle school classroom subjects down, into specific sub-categories, allowing student-users to seek information efficiently.
English/Reading/Writing resources
Vocabulary.com helps students at all levels of education, creating interest and expanding word knowledge - one dictionary entry at a time.
Learn That Word provides vocabulary and spelling help for students of all ages. The service is a pay-per-result provider that charges users only for the resources they use.
Toledo Public Library maintains a list of links leading to resources for primary and secondary school students.
Santa Cruz Public Library offers a helpful resource on proper bibliography notation.
Bright Hub Education helps students with resources for completing English homework, including literature summaries and word origins.
Foreignword.com is a dynamic language website that provides translations and other information about dozens of languages.
Dictionary.com provides definitions and thesaurus entries for double-checking homework assignments.
Math resources
Math.com helps students complete math homework in areas like: Pre-Algebra, Algebra and Geometry.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics maintains homework resources for K-8 students.
History resources
Newton Free Library maintains K-12 study resources, including strong history references covering American and world history.
Science resources
Earth Observatory is a NASA resource that helps students understand issues like climate change, storms, and other earthly phenomenon.
Ask a Scientist, sponsored by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), supports homework efforts by pointing students to valuable scientific resources.
Homework Resources for Secondary (High School) Students and Beyond
General/Multiple Subject resources
The US Central Intelligence Agency is a prime resource for information about world affairs and economics. The CIA World Factbook includes references covering history, geography, economics, communications and other international concerns.
Department of Defense Educational Activity places the focus on students who need help. Subject-specific links direct students to particular scholastic areas and general resources provide 'big-picture' support
Virginia Tech Student Affairs maintains a Q and A resource that helps students explore their individual homework habits. Participants enhance study skills by identifying personal shortcomings.
HippoCampus.org allows users to create free accounts, which open access to video tutorials and other learning aids.
Homework Hotline helps Indiana students with specific homework questions.
Country Studies create an international impact for high school students who tap this Library of Congress resource for global information.
Boston Public Library's Out-of-school Time provides educational resources, including homework help for local K-12 students, who are matched with mentors.
Hallway is a student resource founded by high school minds. The homework networking organization links students with the answers they need.
Cramster.com offers benefits like: Textbook solutions, expert advice, and access to study groups and partners.
Big Future by The College Board helps students maximize retention and maintain good study habits. The site offers essential strategies, as well as individual lessons on particular topics.
BBC Schools maintains resources for students, including games and study guides that address most subjects. Users designate age parameters, in order to access age-appropriate materials. Topics are divided into age ranges: 4-11, 11-16 and 16+. Games like pinball help younger users, while worksheets and tutorials serve high-schoolers and beyond.
Discovery Education promotes learning with free educational resources for students of all ages.
B J Pinchbeck's Homework Helper provides free, online resources for elementary, middle and high school students. References are categorized in topical areas that include: Art, music, English, foreign language, science, social studies, and other core curricular content.
English/Reading/Writing resources
Duke University breaks down writing styles like APA, MLA and others. The resource helps students notate properly and avoid using other writers' content.
Poetry Class is a UK-based resource for poetry and literature learning. Teachers and students utilize recommended websites and support from The Poetry Society.
Purdue OWL - Online Writing Lab is a university resource aimed at English and writing proficiency. A grammar blog and question/answer feature illuminate homework help. This is a very well manicured and maintained resource, popular in many college settings. If you have a question about proper formatting or English grammar rules, Purdue's OWL makes a smart place to find your answers.
Glossary of Literary Terms provides homework help for students unclear about terms used to describe and evaluate writing samples.
Scholarly writing follows strict guidelines, so EasyBib outlines documentation protocol for homework papers. Various styles are explored, and a helpful tool creates bibliography entries for you.
English Banana provides free online books for students to download and use for homework projects.
Free Book Notes offers a collection of Cliff notes and other summary resources for high school literature students and others seeking broad-view literary analysis.
Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet is a unique resource for all things Bard.
Math resources
Illuminations, hosted by NCTM, links users to mathematics resources under categories like geometry, measurement and probability.
Mathwire.com maintains educational standards for every level of education, providing resources for students and teachers.
S.O.S. Mathematics tackles trigonometry, calculus, differential equations and a host of additional math disciplines encountered by high school students.
Algebra.help is a collection of worksheets and math resources, including dozens of individual lessons. Problem solving skills are imparted using algebra equations.
Phatmath.com matches math questions with the correct answers by linking students to resources - and to each other, in chat rooms.
History resources
WhoWhatWhen is a database for high school research, which allows users to search date-based timelines for important historical milestones.
Historical Text Archive is a collection of articles, books and links for researchers nailing down past events.
Science and sociology resources
General Chemistry Online is maintained by a Chemistry professor, so the question and answer section - containing over 400 entries - answers your questions before you even ask.
Mad Sci Network answers science inquiries with over 35,000 FAQ entries, and ongoing experimentation that illuminates high school science courses like biology, chemistry and physics.
Planetary Fact Sheets are brought to you by NASA, so the data contained is gathered firsthand. The solar system is made clear by expanded units covering each individual planet, as well as other space phenomenon like asteroids and comets.
Scientific American allows students to 'ask an expert', by utilizing the magazine's helpful online feature.
Social Psychology Network answers questions and shares additional resources for high school social science coursework.
Testing and exam preparation resources
College-bound high-schoolers prepare for important testing assignments by practicing online. The SAT Free Practice option allows test-takers to prepare at the source.
High School Ace contains exam review guides, historical reference checkers, grammar rules and other homework help aimed at high-schoolers.
Additional resources
Art History Resources provides academic reference material for serious art students. Regions and time-periods provide search criteria that allow users to zero in on broad categories, or specific artists.
Biographical Dictionary allows students to search databases for bio data about historical figures and people influencing current social events. The resource is maintained in a Wikipedia-esque format that allows users to post information.
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